
Here for a good time.

  • A Case Study in Modern Commercial Aviation

      I present to you my first annual Sociological Case Study:  I boarded my 1:20pm Southwest Airlines flight 1710 from Burbank to San Jose. Forty-six minute flight from wheels up to wheels down. Boeing 737 (officially commissioned in 1998) plane on time; no delays during boarding process. The temperature is warm inside the airplane but…

  • I Went to The Nutcracker So You Didn’t Have To

    So last weekend I took the wife to see the Nutcracker in an attempt to lean into the holiday season. I’ve never been nor was I there to learn. Shit, I didn’t know it was a ballet; I thought it was a musical. Nope! Not a word was spoken.  What I did do was make…

This is how it all started…

No shit there I was…